Or is that hide and seek? Last time the cunard liner Queen Elizabeth II was scheduled to sail up the river Tyne we jaunted down to South Shields to watch it, and we waited, and waited, and waited, and then waited some more. Then the kids got tired and annoyed so we went home and the ship came in a few minutes after we left, of course.
So happily this time she arrived on the Tyne at 7am and we were able to confirm that had actually taken place before heading off to see the humongous piece of metal.
Parked next to the normally impressive DFDS North Shields to Norway ferry everything else on the Tyne became suddenly dwarfed and took on the look of a child's toy. Its a shame the ship was not open to the public to have look-see, I suspect cunard don't trust us geordies with the luxurious interior...
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