Having time of to do things with the kids is great, unless its raining. Of course there are lots of other things you can go, baking used to be my personal favorite until I had to go on a gluten free diet and could no long join in licking the bowl.
So in need of amusement to the kids, some chocolatet gooey-ness for me and the need the mess up every surface in my kitchen I turned to Nigella Lawson to see which recipe I could adapt to a gluten free version and found gooey chocolate puddings, just whats needed on a dismal summer day!

If yo would like to try them, here's the recipe, its fast easy and not too expensive:
125g good quality dak chocolate (its about a bar a a half when you're out shopping)
125g unsalted butter
3 large eggs
150gg caster sugar
35g Dove's wheat + gluten free plain flour
Butter and flour for preparing ramekins
Makes approx 6 250ml ramekins.
Melt the chocolate + butter in a bowl over a pan of simmering water.
Whisk together the sugar, eggs and flour.
Whisk the melted chocolate and butter into the egg, sugar and flour mix a bit at a time.
Set the mixture to one side to rest.
Grease your ramekins with butter then add flour to cover the butter and tapp off the excess.
Pour the mixture into your ramekins and place them on a baking tray.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200oC for about 10 minutes.
The tops should be firm and beginning to crack slightly and the edges set.
Serve hot with cold cream.
If you have extra left over (like us having only 4 ramekin dishes) cook the rest in something else, we cooked ours in rabbits until entirely set to make some bunny cakes for later!